
  • Clearspeech is a comprehensive private service committed to excellence in identification, evaluation and treatment of people with communication difficulties.
  • Clearspeech helps individuals of all ages overcome speech, language, social communication, and academic services.
  • Whether it is a diagnosed speech and language problem or purely speaking clearly and eloquently, this service is for you.
  • It is a unique service that provides a high level of expertise combined with a personalised, collaborative and innovative approach.
  • Sessions are based on an individual 1:1 or group style with optimal energy and speech therapist/client involvement.


Speech & Language Therapy
Elocution Lessons
Stammering/Dysfluency Sessions
– Academic Tutoring
– Screening Services


Clearspeech offers a broad range of speech, language and academic services. From evaluations and screenings to individual and group therapy, the goal is to maximise each client’s strengths and help overcome his or her challenges.

How Clearspeech Helps

I am a fully qualified Speech and Language Therapist with Specialist skills in speech and communication.

Clearspeech takes an intensive approach using either a whole/partial technique to improve the individual’s area of weakness.

By closely tracking the progress of the client, the therapy is tailored to each client’s needs and will deliver successful results

Why Choose Clearspeech

Speech, language, social communication along with elocution and public speaking has been my focus since completing my Masters in Speech Difficulties. As a result, I believe I can deliver an unmatched personalised service for children, teens and adults in a comfortable and conducive environment.


Mary Coyle

– Speech & Language Therapist
– 0879700688